Skylanders 3 Pack (Drobot/Stump Smash/Flameslinger)

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Ean: 0047875841932

Inhoud: - Drobot, - Flameslinger, - Stump Smash, Drobot: - Soort: Skylander Figure, - Element: Tech, - Vaardigheid (Max 100): Kracht 40, Pantser 75, Behendigheid 60, Geluk 45, - Compatibel met: Imagina

  • $19.89
  • $31.45
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Inhoud: - Drobot, - Flameslinger, - Stump Smash, Drobot: - Soort: Skylander Figure, - Element: Tech, - Vaardigheid (Max 100): Kracht 40, Pantser 75, Behendigheid 60, Geluk 45, - Compatibel met: Imaginators, Superchargers, Trap Team, Swap Force, Giants, Spyro's Adventure, Flameslinger: - Soort: Skylander Figure, - Element: Vuur, - Vaardigheid (Max 100): Kracht 40, Pantser 25, Behendigheid 90, Geluk 80, - Compatibel met: Imaginators, Superchargers, Trap Team, Swap Force, Giants, Spyro's Adventure, Stump Smash: - Soort: Skylander Figure, - Element: Leven, - Vaardigheid (Max 100): Kracht 90, Pantser 70, Behendigheid 20, Geluk 40, - Compatibel met: Imaginators, Superchargers, Trap Team, Swap Force, Giants, Spyro's Adventure
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