Project CARS 2 - Patch reviews
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Project CARS 2 - Patch

Project CARS 2 - Patch

Project CARS 2 - Patch

Online / Multiplayer New game mode - The Online Championship game mode is now available, allowing players to compete online in full championships, spanning multiple rounds. Fixed an exploit where some players could load custom setups in Community Events when Default Setups are enabled. Improved logging and syncing when joining online games already in progress. Fix for an online issue where players would be shown an incorrect error message when attempting to join a game session which was full. Online Reputation: When being kicked from a race, the system now checks your recent history to help decide if points should be deducted from your ranking score. Online Reputation: Fixed a bug where remaining players would not score for a win against disconnected players. Resolved a problem where a previously kicked player, joining back into a game after accepting an invite, would be auto-kicked. For players joining an active qualifying or practice session, there is now a 3-minute cut-off as the session approaches completion, after which it will no longer be possible to join the session. An error message is now displayed when an incorrect password is entered when joining a password-protected lobby. Career New Invitational Event - McLaren 720S VIP Challenge. Fix for career multi-class races, so that the finish position within the class is used for series progression, rather than the overall race position. Nissan Skyline Silhouette, Nissan Skyline BNR32, Nissan R89C, and Porsche 961 can now be used in Career mode. Fix for an issue where pop-ups for unlocking Invitational events were displayed in the wrong location. VR Improvements to the VR-specific replay camera system. Fix for screen dirt and rain drops not rendering correctly in VR. Fix for an issue when VR combined with NVIDIA Surround caused the game to attempt display of ultra-widescreen content in the VR headset. Changed the VR Gaze pointer behaviour to also hide when the UI is disabled in Photo Mode and Replays. Fix for VR Photo Mode initial FOV settings when switching camera mode. Fix for screenshots taken in VR Photo Mode not saving correctly to the folder. Controllers Logitech - Fix for G29 and G920 lock stops. Fanatec - improved anti-jolt and high-frequency anti-vibe on the CSWB series. Thrustmaster - Improvements for the 458 Italia. Improvements to various controller’s vibration effects. GUI and HUD improvements Session information such as race duration is now displayed on the pre-race menu. Changed the HUD colouring scale for race rain tyres. Added a dialog to show replay saving progress. Change to the way the Start Type is displayed on the Round dialog so that it matches the Race Settings dialog. Fix for an issue where a menu would become disabled when moving 'down' from the bottom of the menu. Updates to various buttons to better indicate when a button is selected/highlighted. Fix for buttons on online post-race results screen so that they only show when they can be pressed. Fixed cases where th...