Project CARS 2 - Update reviews
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Project CARS 2 - Update

Project CARS 2 - Update

Project CARS 2 - Update

PC Solved link to Facebook page when user selects the Facebook option on the Extras tab whilst Microsoft Edge is set as default browser on PC. Corrected multiple options in Photo Mode not being reflected when playing in VR. Solved VR flicker. Dedicated Server: corrected session duration automatically changing to 140 minutes when the player sets the time to more than 140 minutes. Dedicated Server: improved client and server code that uses older net API, allowing for more reliable connections. Changed the default drawing distance when playing in VR to minimize intermittent texture flickering. Improvements to droplets on camera in both VR and non-VR. Corrected an issue in VR where driving lines would disappear if camera view was changed during race. Solved an issue where Dedicated Server lobby weather conditions would always display as ‘clear’. Corrected an issue where Dedicated Server lobby vehicle images weren’t updated correctly during multiclass selection. Corrected an issue in post-race results where the mouse would not switch between the Driver List and footer menu. Improved an Online Lobby issue where players were able to select a vehicle before info was fully set. Refined incorrect message 'Multiple inputs were detected. No action was assigned' when player presses Esc key and message 'Please assign a new configuration' is displayed. Polished the missing background for ‘return to position’ messages in VR. Stability improvement for when a user would join an in-progress session. Corrected AI behaving erratically leading to a crash to desktop. Corrected an issue in VR handling two screen systems to ensure that they are both treated separately, allowing either to be the default. Resolved a save fail if ‘my documents’ folder is set to a network location. User Interface Corrected an inconsistency between info on the Track Select screen and the Loading screen. Refined the Online Browser filter not closing properly. Fixed the Password Protected Lobby icon that was missing on the Lobby Details screen. Improvements to Career Dashboard Standings UI. Corrected some display unit values not changing when switching between metric and imperial units. Stability improvement where the game would become unresponsive when attempting to save a setup with no description. Solved incorrect message when entering an invalid password. Solved Career nationality not defaulting to console / Steam user's location. Improved Session and Race settings not updating in Online Championship rounds if the user applies a Motorsport Preset, thereby adding a round to the schedule. Corrected options under Realism Settings in Online Lobbies not displaying correctly and being inaccessible to Host after accessing the Realism Settings from the Online Lobby. Added name of tyres on the car within the pre-race menu. Improved language translations throughout the game. Added message for when ‘ghosts’ and times are not uploaded due to invalid car-and-track combinations. Resolved 'Pedal Type' and...